The JAID/JSC guidelines to Clinical Management of Infectious Disease 2017 concerning male urethritis and related disorders
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infectious diseases by sexual activities in the broad sense. Common STIs urethritis males and cervicitis females. also include that cause skin lesions around genitalia such as genital herpes, syphilis, condyloma acuminatum, phthiriasis pubis. In addition, causative agents of have recently been detected extragenital areas rectum, pharynx, conjunctiva due to increased diversity practice including oral sex occasionally symptoms. Urethritis frequently caused Neisseria gonorrhoeae Chlamydia trachomatis, gonococcal chlamydial used terms indicate these conditions. Recently, concept microorganisms other than N. C. trachomatis has recognized. Particularly, males, term non-chlamydial non-gonococcal begun be for conditions which neither gonococcus nor chlamydia is detected. Among agents, pathogenicity Mycoplasma genitalium demonstrated [[1]Taylor-Robinson D. Jensen J.S. genitalium: from Chrysalis multicolored butterfly.Clin Microbiol Rev. 2011; 24: 498-514Crossref PubMed Scopus (313) Google Scholar]. Many patients with male exhibit severe symptoms often initiated treat at initial visit. Moreover, percentage strains resistant many kinds antibiotics increasing. Therefore, guidelines can recommend drugs likely cure necessary. The Japanese Association Infectious Disease (JAID) Society Chemotherapy (JSC) published JAID/JSC Guide Clinical Management 2011 2012, a revised version 2014 [[2]Kiyota H. Arakawa S. Hamasuna R. Uehara Kawai Y. Takahashi et al.The clinical management disease guide/guidelines preparing committee. Life Science Publishing Co.,Ltd., 2014Google treatments were summarized guides. However, it difficult show recommendation grades evidence level literature concerning all Here, this guideline diagnosis treatment presented comments focusing on urethritis, most frequent STI requires early treatment. Concerning STIs, Transmitted Infections (JSSTI) [[3]Japanese Guidelines Preparing CommitteeGuidelines 2016.2016 Scholar], text prepared maximum consistency JSSTI guidelines. should noted there some differences matters selection items newly clarified drug susceptibility STIs. Supplementary notes: levels determined according Outline Preparation established JAID/JSC. While materials cited selected primarily literature, evaluated comprehensively reviewing overseas literature.•Recommendation gradesA: Strongly recommendedB: General recommendationC: Comprehensive evaluation attending physician•Evidence levelsI: Randomized controlled studyII: Non-randomized studyIII: Case reportIV: Specialist's opinion [Executive summary]•Urethritis presents pain urination urethral discharge. It classified into depending microorganism (I, A). Non-gonococcal called B).•On first diagnosis, desirable judge whether condition or confirming presence absence gonococcus, Gram-negative (diplo)coccus, results Gram staining discharge urinary sediment If microscopy gonococci impossible, nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) examined using first-catch urine. tested simultaneously B).•Details shown sections urethritis. details described urethritis.•During treatment, contacts not condom must avoided, partners treated presenting mostly occurs an STI, but may common bacteria, drugs, mechanical stimulation, distinguished STI. attaches mucosa navicular fossa located slightly inside meatus proliferates there. Japan, incidence 1990 began decrease after peak 2002 leveled out since 2009 [4Ministry Health, Labour Welfare. Numbers reported cases 2016 Scholar, 5Yamagishi T. 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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['1437-7780', '1341-321X']